Page 34 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 34

Latency        2G       3G       4G                                                                                        5G
               >200ms   >100ms   <50ms                                                                                     <10ms
Top Speed      0.3Mbps  42Mbps   1Gbps                                                                                     10Gbps
               0.1Mbps  8 Mbps   10-30Mbps                                                                                 ?
Average Speed  35-40    45-60
               minutes  seconds
Time       to                    5-8 seconds <1 second

4.4.4 NFC

The abbreviation NFC stands for "Near Field Communication." It is a feature that
allows users to connect to very close devices, capable of transferring data at a
maximum speed of no more than 474 kilobits per second. NFC differs in its ability to
exchange data within an extremely narrow range, not exceeding 4 centimeters
between the information exchange parties. This makes it highly secure for financial
transactions, as it cannot be wirelessly accessed remotely, unlike contactless credit
cards, electronic ticket cards, and virtual wallets .

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