Page 38 - NetWork-En-V3
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6.3 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

          Examples include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco Metapod, Microsoft Azure,
          and Google Compute Engine (GCE).
     **For more information abou cloud computing and its services you can read the
     content of the “Cloud Computin” module from the Supreme Council of Universities.
     6.3.1 Internet Of Things
     The term "Things" refers to any electronic device that can be identified on the
     Internet by assigning it an address. Today, it has become possible to connect things
     we use in our daily lives to the Internet, such as cars, washing machines, refrigerators,
     televisions, sensors, and more. It is also possible for a person themselves to become
     a thing if they are assigned a specific address, such as allocating an internet address
     for their glasses, watch, devices, or medical equipment on their body.

     "IoT devices" can be connected to the Internet using one of the modern networking
     technologies such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, 4G, or others. These devices can
     interact with each other and with humans, enabling numerous new applications in
     medical, industrial, economic, educational, and sports fields. For example, your
     personal pharmacy at home can remind you of the medication schedule and send an
     email to your doctor if you miss a dose.

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