Page 33 - NetWork-En-V3
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maximum of seven devices, and devices can switch roles, with the subordinate
     becoming the primary.
     Through Bluetooth, wireless connections can be established between a computer or
     mobile phone and a headset, car stereo system, mouse, keyboard, portable speakers,
     smartwatch, and more.

     4.4.3 Cell Networks
     The fourth-generation technology, 4G, emerged in the realm of smartphones
     following the third-generation technology, 3G. The 4G technology brought numerous
     technical changes, adjusting the concepts used in previous generations, and
     increasing both bandwidth and network capacity. Theoretical speeds of 4G networks
     can reach up to 1 gigabit per second, whereas the maximum speed of 3G is only 42
     megabits per second.
     The fifth-generation network, 5G, is considered the fastest and most advanced within
     cellular technology. It utilizes extremely high frequencies and directs signals more
     precisely, enabling the transfer of data at speeds up to 10 times faster than 4G
     technology and serving a significantly larger number of devices .

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