Page 32 - NetWork-En-V3
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4.4.1 Wi-Fi
     Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity and is a trademark representing the Wi-Fi Alliance,
     an international association of companies working in the field of wireless local area
     network (LAN) technologies and products. Access to any LAN network is achieved
     through the Service Set Identifier (SSID). As a result of the presence of the SSID, a
     network can be created consisting of multiple Access Points under the same SSID
     within the same company or organization. There are several standards in the market
     for wireless communication devices that differ in terms of the frequency range used
     and transmission speed .

     4.4.2 Bluetooth
     Bluetooth is a wireless technology used to exchange information and data between
     connected devices using wireless frequencies over short distances. The devices are
     paired with each other before starting the transfer and exchange of information to
     ensure security and protection for users.
     Bluetooth is a standardized protocol developed by a group of electronics companies
     to allow any electronic devices such as computers, mobile phones, keyboards,
     speakers, and more to establish a connection without wires, cables, or any complex
     user input. In this protocol, a primary device can use Bluetooth to connect with a

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