Page 31 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 31

Activity :4 Discussion
      ❖ Have you used wireless connectivity before?
      ❖ What wireless connection methods have you used?

     ❖ What are the limitations of each method you have used?
    4.4 Wireless Networks

     A wireless network allows devices to stay connected without a wired connection,
     enabling mobility unlike wired networks that use cables to connect devices. In the
     past, wired networks were faster and more secure than wireless networks. However,
     continuous improvements in wireless network technology, such as the Wi-Fi 6
     standard, have narrowed the speed and security gaps between wired and wireless
     networks. Frequency ranges of 2.4GHz and 5GHz are used to transmit wireless signals
     between different devices. Some of the most well-known standards for wireless
     networks have been established by the IEEE organization. Many people use the
     802.11 wireless communication network to transmit signals between their computers
     at home.

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