Page 27 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 27

4.2 Networks Classification According to the Host Type

     The type of network varies based on the method of exchanging data and information:
      • Client-Server Networks
      • Peer-to-Peer Networks
     4.2.1 Client - Server
     Client-Server networks consist of a high-performance computing device that provides
     services to clients over the network, known as the server. The server is a device
     specifically designed for network management and providing services to network
     users. It has specific specifications, such as significant computing capabilities,
     memory, and extensive storage space. The server has multiple processors, equipped
     with software and operating systems dedicated to managing and running applications
     that serve a large number of users. In some cases, a regular personal computer can
     be used as a server when the number of users and computers is limited, and the data
     exchange volume is low. There can be more than one server in the network,
     depending on the network size, the number of client devices, and shared applications.
     The client refers to the remaining devices on the network that benefit from the server
     and are granted permissions and rights by the server.

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