Page 24 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 24

4 Computer Networks Classifications

    4.1 Classification of Computer Networks According To the Geographical

     Networks vary in size and come in several types, such as:
      • Personal Area Network (PAN)
      • Local Area Network (LAN)
      • Campus Area Network
      • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
      • Wide Area Network (WAN)
     This diversity results in differences in the transmission media and the roles of auxiliary
     devices in connecting the devices to each other.
     4.1.1 Personal Networks PAN:
     These are networks used to connect computing devices that are close to the user,
     whether mobile or stationary, such as phones, headphones, smartwatches, and smart
     TVs. These networks can be used to establish connections between computers or to
     connect to a higher-level network. They are also suitable for transferring files, digital
     images, and music .

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