Page 23 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 23

3.3 Connection Speeds

     Bit (bit): The bit is the smallest unit used inside a computer to represent a binary digit.
     There are several units for measuring network speed:
      • Kilobit per second (Kbps): Means transferring 1000 bits per second.
      • Megabit per second (Mbps): Means transferring 1000 kilobits per second.
      • Gigabit per second (Gbps): Means transferring 1000 megabits per second .
     Activity 2 Discussion
      ❖ How do you use the internet more? Through a laptop or a smartphone?
      ❖ In your opinion, what does this device need to connect to the internet? Are the

          hardware components sufficient, or does it need software to operate and activate
          the connection?
      ❖ Mention examples of internet network components present in your home or

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