Page 20 - cloudComputing-En-V3
P. 20

2. Characteristics of Cloud Computing

                 Activity 1 (Brainstorming): What are the trainees’ expectations of the advantages
                 and disadvantages of using cloud computing and its services?

              • Advantages of using Cloud Computing

                    In addition to the advantages mentioned earlier in using cloud
                    computing, there are other advantages that this important
                    technology has. Therefore, this section briefly presents other
                    features related to cloud computing, which are as follow:
                     A. Available Resources

                       Where the customer can get benefit from the services and
                       capabilities provided by the cloud technology that suit his needs
                       of infrastructure without the need for these resources to be
                       physically available in his side.
                     B. Cost and Pay-as-you-go
                       One of the main benefits of using cloud computing is to reduce
                       the cost, as mentioned earlier. This is because instead of buying
                       different sources, which might be expensive and most probably
                       will not need to be fully utilized, the customer can pay according
                       to the amount he needs from the resources available as services
                       on cloud. You no longer have the burden of the payment and
                       installation because your cloud service providers such as Azure
                       Amazon web services can handle this on be you.
                     C. Self-service
                       It is possible to consider most of the resources and services
                       provided by the cloud as self-service. This means that with a
                       little experience, most people can easily configure and use cloud
                       resources and services according to their requirements and
                       instantly after completing the payment procedures for these

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