Page 19 - cloudComputing-En-V3
P. 19

▪ Integrating private cloud with public cloud adds complexity to the
    infrastructure and requires significant effort and time to maintain and
    evolve these two different types of clouds when an organization needs
    to change.

▪ Intellectual property problems and legal risks due to the lack of the
    ability to see and control the public cloud infrastructure where it is
    based on the cloud service provider to protect data while adhering to
    local and international regulations and having part of the responsibility
    on the companies using these services if a breach occurs.

▪ Cost concerns because if cloud resources are used for a long time, this
    may be reflected in the overall price, which in turn becomes higher
    than expected.

In the end, the comparison between these three types of clouds
can be summarized as follows:

      Comparison    Public Clouds                Private Clouds                        Hybrid Clouds
Cloud devices used
Rental Services                                  The entire cloud               For a private cloud, an
Scalability         Public cloud service         infrastructure     (e.g.,      organization must provide
Cloud Maintenance   providers such as            physical servers, storage,     the infrastructure while a
                    Amazon or Microsoft          networks, etc.) must be        public cloud service
Costs               provides                the  purchased by the               provider provides the
                    infrastructure.              organization that owns the     public                cloud
Accessibility                                    private cloud.                 infrastructure.

                    Anywhere online, for                                        A private cloud data
                    example, there are                                          center is usually within an
                    known data centers for       Within the network of the      organization's private
                    the public cloud (AWS,       company or organization.       network while a public
                    Azure) in many                                              cloud data center can be
                    countries.                                                  anywhere online.

                    Unlimited scalability.       Private cloud scalability is   The scalability of private
                                                 limited by the amount of       cloud services and
                                                 infrastructure, so after a     resources is limited by the
                                                 certain range it is            underlying infrastructure
                                                 impossible to scale unless     available.
                                                 the organization purchases
                                                 and sets up additional

                    A cloud service provider     The user enterprise itself is  The private cloud is
                    is responsible for setting   responsible for its            managed by the
                    up and maintaining the       preparation        and         organization that owns it
                    public cloud.                maintenance.                   while the public cloud is
                    There are no initial                                        managed by the cloud
                    capital expenditures, a                                     service provider.
                    monthly fee is paid for
                    the public cloud services    It involves huge initial       With the private cloud, an
                    used, and the more you       capital expenditure as an      organization incurs both
                    use, the more you pay.       organization       must        internal          capital
                    The total price may be       purchase, set up, and          expenditure plus monthly
                    higher than you              maintain cloud devices to      operating expenses to
                    expected, especially         maintain them. Therefore,      maintain it, while for the
                    when you use a lot of        the organization may need      public cloud it incurs a
                    their services for a long    to hire manpower, which        monthly fee only for the
                    time.                        means monthly operating        services and resources it
                    The public cloud is          expenses as well.              uses.
                    publicly available so
                    anyone can access its        Only an organization that      Private cloud services can
                    resources and services       owns the private cloud can     only be accessed by the
                                                 access private cloud           organization while anyone
                                                 resources and services.        can access the services
                                                                                provided by the
                                                                                organization on the public

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