Page 29 - Word-En-V3
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File format    Description

Word           The default, XML-based document format for Word 2008 for Mac,
Document       Word for Mac 2011, Word 2016 for Mac, Word 2007 for Windows,
(.docx)        Word 2010 for Windows, Word 2013 for Windows, and Word 2016
               for Windows.
Word 97-
2004           The document format that is compatible with Word 98 through Word
Document       2004 for Mac and Word 97 through Word 2003 for Windows.
               Saves the document as an XML-based template that you can use to
Word           start new documents. Saves document content and settings such as
Template       styles, page layout, AutoText entries, custom keyboard shortcut
(.dotx)        assignments, and menus.

Word 97-       Saves the document as a template that you can use to start new
2004           documents. Saves document content and settings such as styles, page
Template       layout, AutoText entries, custom keyboard shortcut assignments, and
(.dot)         menus. Compatible with Word 97 through Word 2003 for Windows
               and Word 98 through Word 2004 for Mac.
Rich Text
Format (.rtf)  Exports document content and formatting to a format that other
               applications, including compatible Microsoft programs, can read and
Plain Text     interpret.
               Exports document content to a text file and saves text without
Web Page       formatting. Select this format only if the destination program cannot
(.htm)         read any of the other available file formats. Uses the Mac Extended
               ASCII character set.
               Saves the document for display on the Web. HTML is the default
               Web format and can be displayed by Macintosh and Windows

               Exports the document to a PDF file, which looks the same on
               Macintosh and Windows computers.

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