Page 34 - Word-En-V3
P. 34

Keyboard Shortcuts for File Tab Commands   Press
                     To do this             Ctrl+O
Open the File page to use Backstage view.   Ctrl+N
Open a document.                            Ctrl+S
Create a new document.                      Ctrl+W
Save the document.                          Ctrl+P
Close the document.
Print the document.

Training activities:

Ac vity 1:

   • Open Word, and create a blank document.

   • Using the Customize Quick Access Toolbar, Add New, Quick Print, and Check
     Spelling and Grammar.

   • Using the Status Bar, change the writing language from Arabic to English, then enlarge
     the document to 120%.

Ac vity 2:

   • Open Word, and create a document using the templates to write a resume.

   • Make appropriate edits and then save it in PDF format as “CV” on your desktop.

Ac vity 3:

1. The trainee writes the following text, formats it, then saves it as (Session 1) in a
folder (folder name: Training, location: Desktop)

   • Taxi drivers closed one side of one of the main roads in the Spanish capital in an open
     strike that began about a week ago.

   • Police forces confronted the protesting drivers and attempted to evacuate the area that
     had been closed off.

27 Training unit in the field of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Universities © Intellectual property rights 2024
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