Page 33 - Web Search-En-V3
P. 33

Search a range of numbers

        Searching for a range of numbers is another tip we do not anticipate a lot of people
using. The people that do use it, though, will probably use it quite a bit.

        People interested in money or statistics will find this tip particularly useful. Essentially,
you use two dots and a number to let Google search know you are looking for a specific range
of numbers. Like the syntax below:

        What teams have won the Stanley Cup ..2004
        In the first instance, the search will toss back the team that won the Stanley Cup in 2004.
The two dots with only one number will tell the search that you do not need anything before
or after 2004. This can help narrow down searches to a specific number to improve search

        In the second, Google will search for the numbers 41, 42, and 43. It is vague, but wildly
useful if you happen to need to search for numbers like this.

Keep it simple.

        Now we are getting into the general tips. Google search knows how to search for a lot
of things. What this means is you do not need to be too specific. If you need a pizza place
nearby, use this to search.

        Pizza places nearby
Google search will grab your location and deliver a variety of results about pizza places that
are near you.

Gradually add search terms.

        There will come a time when Google search does not move out the results you expect.
In this instance, keeping it simple may not be the best option. As Google itself suggests, the
best method is to start with something simple then gradually get more complicated. See the
example below:

        First try: job interviews
        Second try: prepare for job interviews
        Third try: how to prepare for a job interview

This will gradually refine the search to bring you fewer, more targeted terms. The reason you
do not go straight from the first try to the third try is because you may miss what you are
looking for by skipping the second step.

        Millions of websites phrase the same information in a few different ways; using this
technique lets you search as many of them as possible to find the best info.

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