Page 32 - Web Search-En-V3
P. 32

Use the asterisk (*)

        The asterisk (*) wildcard is one of the most useful ones on the list. When you use an
asterisk in a search term on Google search, it will leave a placeholder that may be automatically
filled by the search engine later. This is a brilliant way to find song lyrics if you do not know
all the words.
Let us look at the syntax:

       “Come * right now * me”
That may look like nonsense. However, Google search will search for that phrase knowing
that the asterisks can be any word.

        Often, you will find they are lyrics to The Beatles song “Come Together” and that is
what the search will tell you.

Find sites that are like other sites.

        This is a unique one that could be used by practically everyone if they knew it existed.

        Let us say you have a favorite website. It can be anything. However, that website is
getting a little bit boring, and you want to find other websites like it. You would use this trick.
Below is the syntax:

If you search that above, you will not find a link to Amazon. Instead, you will find links to
online stores like Amazon. Sites like Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, and others that sell physical
items online. It is a powerful Google search tool that can help you find new sites to browse.

Search for multiple words at once

        Google search is flexible. It knows you may not find what you want by searching only
a single word or phrase. Thus, it lets you search for multiples.

        By using this trick, you can search for one word or phrase along with a second word or
phrase. This can help narrow down your search to help you find exactly what you are looking
for. Here is the syntax:

       “Best ways to prepare for a job interview” OR “How to prepare for a job interview”
By searching that, you will search both phrases. Remember the quotes tip above? It is being
used here as well. In this instance, these two exact phrases will be searched. It can be done by
word too, like the example below:

        chocolate OR white chocolate
This will search for pages that have either chocolate or white chocolate!

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