Page 28 - Web Search-En-V3
P. 28

Communication Services

        Electronic mail (e-mail) is the most important and popular communication service.
When one user wants to send a message to another Internet user, he/she types the message into
a special computer program, adds the e-mail address of the recipient, and sends the message
off through the network. Typically, the message reaches its destination almost immediately,
even when it is on another continent. Practically all gateways between the Internet and other
computer networks can handle e-mail messages.
The major advantage of e-mail over regular mail is that an e- mail message comes in electronic
form. Therefore, it can easily be handled and interpreted by a computer program.
Information Services

        Information Services offering easy access to information present on the internet,
And give users access to remote computers and allow them to transfer files to and from this
machine by using Telnet and FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

        Typical examples are electronic library card catalogs, campus information systems and
other database applications. Today, the electronic card catalogs of practically all major U.S.
libraries and many university libraries in Europe are accessible through the Internet. Many
sites run large-specialized information systems for the "network community."

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