Page 34 - Web Search-En-V3
P. 34

Use words that websites would use

        When people use Google search to search the web, they generally search for things using
the same language that they would use for speaking. Unfortunately, websites do not say things
the way people do; instead, they try to use language that sounds professional. Let us look at
some examples:

       “I have a flat tire” could be replaced by “repair a flat tire”.
       “My head hurts” could be replaced by “headache relief”.
The list goes on and on. When searching, try to use terminology you would find on a
professional website. This will help you get more reliable results.

Use important words only

        The way Google search works is to take what you search for and match it with keywords
in online content. When you search for too many words, it may limit your results. That means
it may take you longer to find what you are looking for. Thus, it is appropriate to use only the
important words when searching for something. Let us see an example:

       Do not use: Where can I find a Chinese restaurant that delivers.
       Instead try: Chinese restaurants nearby.
       Or: Chinese restaurants near me.
Doing this can help Google find what you need without all the clutter. So, remember, keep it
simple and use important words only.

Spelling is not necessarily matter

        Google search has gotten a lot smarter over the years. These days, you do not even need
to spell words correctly. If it is somewhat close, Google can usually figure out what it means.
Here are some examples:

        If you search “Nver Gna Gve Yo Up” Google will automatically assume you mean to
search for “Never Gonna Give You Up.” If by chance your misspelling was intentional,
Google gives you the option to search for the misspelled term instead.

        This trick is great if you happen to forget how to spell something or are not completely
sure how something is spelled.

        It can also be helpful when searching for vague words. This applies to capitalization and
grammar as well.

Use descriptive words

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