Page 51 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 51

There are many connecting devices used in local area networks:
      • Repeater
      • Hub
      • Switch
      • Router
      • Access point
     8.4.1 Repeater
     The signal is susceptible to interference and distortion during the transmission
     process, so a Repeater device is used to regenerate the transmitted signal across the
     network, making it strong upon reception.

     8.4.2 Hub
      It serves as a central connecting point between
     network devices by linking them together. However,
     its drawback is that it rebroadcasts signals on all of
     its ports, making it susceptible to collisions between
     them .

     8.4.3 Switch
      It is the most commonly used to connect network
     devices because it directs the message to the port
     where the destination device is located, whereas a
     hub broadcasts the message to all ports. Therefore,
     the switch is faster in data transfer, reduces
     collisions, and also has the capability to send and receive simultaneously.

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