Page 46 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 46

8.3.1 Twisted Pair
     Twisted pair cables use electrical signals to
     transmit data and are currently the most
     popular for connecting local network
     devices. They resemble telephone wires but
     consist of 8 internal copper wires with
     different colors, where each pair of the eight is twisted together.
     This type of cable is divided into two categories:
      1. Shielded Twisted Pair (STP): In this type, the internal cables are shielded with

          aluminum foil to protect signals from any electromagnetic interference in the
          cable's surroundings.
      2. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP): This type of cable is not shielded.
     A connector with two RJ45 connectors is used to connect the ends of the copper cable
     to devices. The connector consists of 8 small copper pins installed in a plastic body.
     The internal wires in the cable are connected to these pins, and in turn, they are
     connected to the network card. When preparing the ends of the copper cable and
     connecting them to the RJ45 connector, the connection can be done in two ways:
      • Straight Cable: Used to connect two different types of devices, such as a computer
          with a data switch.
      • Crossover Cable: Used to connect similar devices, such as two computers.
     The following image illustrates the arrangement of the internal wires in the RJ45
     connector in both cases.

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