Page 52 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 52

8.4.4 Router
     The router is used to connect different networks such as LAN and WAN. The router
     forwards information packets based on logical IP addresses, and it follows an
     algorithm that enables it to choose the best path for transmitting information.

     8.4.5 Wireless Access Point
     The wireless access point connects wireless devices to form a network, usually linking
     to a wired network to facilitate communication between wired devices on one side
     and wireless devices on the other.

    8.5 Prephirals Ports

     A computer port is an interface or connection point between a computer and its
     peripheral devices. Some common peripheral devices are a mouse, keyboard,
     monitor or display, printer, speaker, flash drive, and so on. The main function of a
     computer port is to act as a connection point, where the peripheral device cable can
     be connected and allow data to flow to and from the device. In the world of
     computing, communication ports can be divided into two types based on the type or
     protocol used in the communication, which are serial ports and parallel ports.
      ● Serial ports are interfaces through which peripheral devices are connected using

          a serial protocol that involves transferring data one bit at a time over a single
          connection line.
      ● A parallel port, on the other hand, is an interface through which the connection
          between the computer and its peripheral device is made in a parallel manner, i.e.,
          data is transferred in parallel using more than one connection line or a single wire.
          The printer port is an example of parallel ports.

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