Page 27 - Distance-education-En-V3
P. 27

- Composition and space within the frame: The movement of people must be made
        within the frame and not extreme to its edge.

    - Additional time for the shot: When filming a shot, you must leave an additional
        period in reserve after completing the scene, as a time break may be needed during
        montage and transition from one shot to another.

    - The sequence trap: You must be careful of the sequence trap, that is, the presence
        of an object or activity that changes over time within the shots, such as the presence
        of a large clock in the shots, and the movement of the sun and shadow.

   From the above, attention must be paid to the types of shots and shooting angles, the
types of shots are divided according to the size of the image into the following:

   - First: LONG SHOTS

   It has three forms: Extreme Long Shot, Long Shot, and Medium Long Shot.

Long Shot  Extreme Long Shot                          Extreme Long Shot

           Figure (1): shows the shot shapes and shooting angles

There are various types of shots and moving the camera to obtain videos, and there

are various types of extensions with which the video can be obtained.

As for montage, it is the step that follows photography, which is the superposition of

one video shot on top of another. It is the art of choosing and arranging scenes and

their length of time on the screen, so that they are

transformed into a message with specific meaning.

Whoever works in it is called an editor, as the

editor who performs the montage in his work relies

on his experience, artistic sense, general culture,                                                                        and

his ability to reproduce scenes so that they appear

familiar, but by cutting, pasting, rearranging, and

chronological timing of events, they are transformed into a sequence with a deliberate

speech directed to the audience.

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