Page 29 - Distance-education-En-V3
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There are three evaluation methods recommended for use due to their suitability
            for the distance education system:
            1-Open book questions: This type of question means that measures students’
            thinking skills and determines the extent of their understanding and comprehension
            of a specific topic from the curriculum. This type of question measures higher-order
            thinking skills such as analysis, criticism, and evaluation. This type of question is
            suitable for students in the advanced stages of education.
            2. Electronic questions: This is a continuous and regular educational process that
            aims to evaluate the student’s performance remotely using electronic networks,
            including interactive ones, and some that require teacher intervention.
            3. Research projects: In this type of assessment, the student is assigned to do a
            research project that includes what he has learned about the subject, and the
            student is discussed remotely about what he has presented and the extent of his
            understanding and comprehension of the subject. This type is considered one of the
            best types of evaluation for students in the higher stages of education.

            Therefore, the teacher must balance the circumstances of his students, the nature of
            the scientific material, and the quality of the evaluation.

     11. Individual conferences

            Conferences are an assessment tool in class and online or in blended learning. A
     conference is essentially a specific conversation with a student or students about a topic
     you wish to assess. Holding individual and small group conferences is a good way to build
     relationships and provides an opportunity to immediately correct errors or re-teach material
     if students need it. Conferences can also raise an early red flag regarding a student's
     progress, allowing you to respond to an issue immediately, rather than at the end of a unit.

            The central benefit of conference assessment in blended and distance learning is
     finding out exactly what students know and can do – there's no internet or parent to give
     them hints, so you can get a clear snapshot of your students' knowledge and skills.

            For conferences to be successful, you must have a goal in mind. What skills are most
     important at this moment? What skills do your students struggle with the most? Having a
     clear goal for you and the students will make your conferences truly effective.

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