Page 26 - Distance-education-En-V3
P. 26

The goal of writing this educational storyboarding scenario is to develop a clear
     and easy-to-understand design that enables designers, illustrators (graphic designers and
     multimedia designers), and programmers to create digital educational content without
     understanding the educational content or being greatly concerned with it. However, they
     must be left with some space. Creativity: It is preferable to have this scenario reviewed
     scientifically by an expert in the scientific subject (SME) if the subject is specialized and
     contains a lot of scientific knowledge, and to have it reviewed linguistically by a
     language specialist, especially if the work team will copy texts from the scenario and
     place them in the educational course, to facilitate The process of recording sound by a
     voiceover artist.

          After completing writing the educational scenario, it is distributed to the work team,
     and the educational designer follows up on the work team and the outputs until they
     reach the desired goal.


                 Create an educational scenario for the content of your choice in a Word file,
         with 2 to 4 slides, and send a link to your trainer.

     7. Second: Photography and editing.

        Photography and montage contribute to the process of
     creating and developing educational content, as video has
     become one of the most important attractive elements around
     us, and has become more widely used and common in
     educational content to clarify information, and the demand for
     it is constantly increasing, as photography depends on several
     foundations that must be considered during work, which are:

        - Pay attention to the appropriate shot size: You should
            not photograph the movement with a very close-up shot
            because it magnifies everything, and the body must be placed outside the frame or
            the focus of the lens.

         - Composition and space within the frame: The movement of people must be made
             within the frame and not extreme to its edge.

         - Identical shot: This is used when filming a dialogue between two people, where the
             identical shot (reflected angle shot) is considered using two cameras in opposite
             directions, if they match the camera angle, lens, and distance from the body.

         - Space and abnormal objects: You must leave a fixed space above the character’s
             head. Make sure it is not too large or too small and keep the amount constant for all
             the characters in dialogue so that no defect appears during the transition between

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