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8. Third: Graphic design.

                    It is the stage of preparing graphics for electronic content, where graphic
        design is used to design images and texts and choose and coordinate colors to create
        visual content that accurately conveys the educational message to its viewers. Graphic
        design aims to simply convey an idea or story. Graphic design focuses on
        communicating in a way that inspires the target audience. It includes Digital graphic
        design, anything from web and app design to user experience design to social media
        marketing. Digital graphics can be static or include movements such as animation,
        illustration, or interactive design. The field of graphic design is multi-faceted and
        endless. According to the work required.

     9. Fourth: Developing content digitally.

           This is the last stage of digital content creation,
        where everything that was previously produced in
        the previous stages is collected in this stage, from
        producing drawings and videos and converting the
        content into visual scenes, where the content
        developer must master many different tasks and
        skills, which are:
        - Technical knowledge of some programming

            languages, such as (HTML), which are programming codes used on Internet sites,
            which perform the task of modifying and adding to topics and web advertisements
            on the sites.
        - Knowledge of content management systems (CMS) or programs that are used to
            publish content on websites, including content on the Internet.
        - Understanding how the Internet works and using Microsoft Office programs, in
            addition to knowing how to edit technical applications and provide them with
     Thus, the content is placed in its final form for display and use by users.

     10. Evaluating distance learners:

            The evaluation process is an important process for the student and the teacher, as
            the student will practice the things he has learned and practice during the education
            process, and this is important for retaining the information in a strong and effective
            way, which increases his knowledge stock and uses all the information he has
            studied and retained in his future professional life.
            As for the teacher, he can know through the evaluation process whether he did his
            job perfectly and whether the information reached the student in the correct form. It
            will also teach him more about the skills of his students and how to deal with them
            in the teaching methods used and develop them in a way that suits them.

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