Page 24 - Distance-education-En-V3
P. 24

6. Instructional designer tasks

   Multiple tasks fall on the responsibility of the instructional designer, which are:

              - Classifying courses into coherent and consistent units and semesters.

              - Identifying appropriate educational methods and methods that emerge from

                 learning theories and consider the cognitive, affective, and skill aspects of the

              - Determine the most appropriate presentation method for the educational
                 material, such as colors, images, designs, etc..

              - Choosing the linguistic style used in narrating the educational material.

              - Identifying curricular and extracurricular activities that are compatible with
                 the educational content and contribute to simplifying it for the learner.

              - Cooperating with the evaluator/quality monitor to determine the most

                 appropriate evaluation strategies and methods to measure the extent to which
                 educational goals have been achieved.

   Examples of educational scenarios can be illustrated to see what they look like:
   -Model (1) for the educational scenario:

   Table (1): shows the first model of the educational scenario.

Screen Screen Description of screen text Pictures Pictures and        sketch  Voiceover                                       Music     Transition
                                                                              nothing                                          and     and linking
   no. title                                     and still animation                                                          sound
                                                                              nothing                                                      style
                                                 graphics                                                                     effects
                                                                                                                              nothing  It contains
1 Cover A screen containing Science, first                                                                                             navigation
              the cover of a course mid-grade -                                                                                        and
              book (science)      second                                                                                               buttons:
              Login buttons:      semester.                                                                                            -Help
              -Home button                                                                                                             button
                                  - picture.                                                                                           button
2  Home A welcome screen for Homepage            nothing   nothing
                                                                                                                                       It contains
   page students with written Dear student,                                                                                            navigation
              text explaining the welcome to                                                                                           navigation
              components of the   the                                                                                                  -Help
              interactive e-book as electronic                                                                                         -Index
              follows:            course for                                                                                           -Contents.
              -Enter button. And  the science                                                                                          button.
              instructions.       course, first


                                  grade -



                                  - Help button

                                  Table of



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