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Model (2) for the educational scenario:
               Table (2): shows the second model of the educational scenario.

Course name                                                   Introduction to control systems
Id                                                            1-1-3-0
Frame type                                                    Html+ video
Explanation                                                   appears sequentially.
Main title
                                                              Unit One: Introduction to automatic control
Subtitle                                                      systems

Introduction                                                  Movement is displayed as in the first image in the
Automated control systems technology is a branch of           scene, while the background shape changes.
technological science, which is concerned with
controlling industrial processes, devices, and equipment,       L1-1-3-0. bmp
and operating them without the need for a human
operator.                                                     The previous animation disappears, and an
Technology and automatic control systems have                 animation is displayed to follow graphical images of
applications in all industrial activities, such as electric   the following elements: 1- All-electric generating
power generation plants, water analysis, oil refineries, gas  stations 2- Oil refineries 3- Oil refining factories 4-
bottle filling plants, food packaging plants, the             Gas bottle filling factories 5- Car factories
automobile industry, and cement plants.
Air and marine navigation and military applications.          Next  Previous    First                                         Last     Page
Primary internal active keys                                   ☒        ☐        ☒                                             ☒     number
                                                              Play            Forward                                      Backward  1 out of
Internal active keys are private.                                     Pause   ☒                                            ☒
                                                              ☒     ☒                                                                    5



       So, the educational scenario or storyboarding is considered the guide that leads the

work team that creates the educational software or electronic course, and the person

responsible for writing this educational scenario is the educational designer, as writing

the educational scenario is one of the most important stages or steps of educational
design, and its stage comes after... Analysis stage.

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