Page 98 - Word-En-V3
P. 98

6.2.3 Convert Footnotes to Endnotes

            A footnote does not differ from an endnote in terms of function, as both are used to add a
            comment or comment to text within the body of the page. The difference is that footnotes
            appear in the bottom margin of each page, while endnotes appear at the end of the
            document. To convert a footnote to an endnote, right-click on it and choose Convert to
            Endnote, or from the Footnotes and Endnotes dialog box, click Convert and then OK, as
            shown. The same steps can be repeated with the endnote, but in this case, choose Convert to

                                                Fig. 122: Converting footnotes to endnotes

           6.2.4 Next Footnote

            This command enables you to choose to move to the previous footnote or to move to the
            next footnote.

           6.2.5 Show Notes

            If you later want to display the Footnotes or Endnotes window, you can click Show Notes in
            the Footnotes group. This displays the Footnotes or Endnotes window. You can then make
            changes to your footnotes or endnotes in the window if you wish.

          6.3. Research

            It is used to search for a term, topic, images or pages on the Internet using Bing to pull in the
            appropriate content from the web and provide structured, safe and credible information.

           6.4 Citations & Bibliography

            If you write a research paper, you'll be required to include a bibliography. Or you might be
            asked to include a works cited page or a list of references. These are all just different names
            for the same thing: a list of sources—such as books, articles, or even websites—that you used
            to research and write your paper. You could create a bibliography manually, but it would take
            a lot of work. And if you ever decide to add more sources or use a different reference style,
            you’ll have to update everything all over again. But if you take the time to input your sources
            into Word, it can create and update a bibliography automatically. This can save you a lot of
            time and help ensure your references are accurate and correct.

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