Page 64 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 64

And thus, IP addresses are divided into several classes based on the number of digits
     in the network number, as illustrated in the figure.

     There are some restrictions on device numbers in the IP address, where they cannot
     all be zeros or ones, such as binary numbers (255 in decimal). When the device
     number is zero, the IP address is considered to represent the network address itself,
     such as When the entire device number is all ones, the IP address is
     considered to represent the broadcast address, which can send a message to all other
     devices at once, such as
     Thus, valid IP addresses for devices in the example range from to

    10.3Default Gateway:

     The default gateway is the intermediary between the local network and the Internet,
     usually residing in the network's router. It allows you to connect to the Internet
     through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and operates by "routing" internet traffic
     to its correct destination.

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