Page 21 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 21

The First Session

                                  (120 Minutes)

     Session objectives:
     At the end of the session, the trainee will do the following:
      • Know his colleagues participating in the activity.
      • Know the principles and rules of work during the activity.
      • Define networks and their importance .
      • Understand network classification based on geographical area and host type.
      • Identify network types based on size.
      • Define local area networks and their various architectures.
      • Familiar with types of wireless networks and their range.
      • Explain cloud computing and the Internet of Things
     Session tools
      • The trainee Guide
      • Power Point Presentation
      • Work Sheets
     Activity 1 Discussion
     The trainer discusses with the trainees the following
      ❖ Have you dealt with computer networks before?
      ❖ Where were these networks at work, at home or elsewhere? Select
      ❖ What applications are used on these networks?
      ❖ Imagine not having a network, how can you get things done without it?

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