Page 17 - NetWork-En-V3
P. 17

• Peer assessment.
      • Think-Pair-Share.
      • Simulation and role-playing.
      • Brainstorming.
      • Case study.
     Training Facilities:
      • Laptops/PCs and smartphones
      • Projector
      • Whiteboard/Paper board
      • Trainee guide and worksheets
     The Training Kit:
     The Training Kit consists of:
      • Trainee's guide.
      • Worksheets.
      • Trainer's guide.
      • Presentation.
     Program Evaluation:
     The program evaluation process includes the following:
      1. Evaluation of Trainee Performance, which is done through:
      • Commitment to attending all training sessions.
      • Interaction during training sessions.
      • Fulfillment of teamwork requirements.

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