Page 36 - Word-En-V3
P. 36

This set contains copy, cut and paste commands, which can be illustrated as follows:


            Copying is making a copy of the selected text or the entire file to use it again without
            modifying the original text, and is done as follows:
             1) Select the text or object to be copied and to select the text Press the right button in the

                 mouse and move the cursor to the last word to be selected.
            2) Press the (CTRL+ C) keys together or click on the (copy) button from the(clipboard)

                group from the (home) bar, to save the copied part in a temporary memory.
            3) Click on the location to be copied to and then press the two keys (CTRL+V) together, to

                paste the part from the cache to the document or click on the button (paste) from the
                group(clipboard) from the bar (home page) to transfer the part from the cache to the


            Cutting is the transfer of the selected text or the entire file from the current place and uses it
            elsewhere, and is as follows:
            1) Select the text or object to be cutted.
            2) Press the (CTRL+ X) keys together or click the (cut) button from the(clipboard) group

                from the (home) bar, to save the cut part in a temporary memory.
             3) Click on the location to be transferred to and then press the two keys (CTRL+V)

                together, to paste the part from the temporary memory to the document or click on the
                button (paste) from the Group(clipboard) from the bar (home page) to transfer the part
                from the temporary memory to the document.

          2.1.3-Format Painter:

                                                           Figure 3(format painter)
            By selecting the (format painter) command, you can copy the format in one place in the
            document and it allows you to apply it in another place. When we want to copy a certain
            text format, we select the text to be copied, then we click on the format painter tool, we will

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