Page 108 - Word-En-V3
P. 108

7.3. Field Wri ng and Inser ng Group (write & insert (fields)

                                       form 9 Shows field writing group and its drawers

                The field writing and inserting section contains many commands that help
          us write some fields to be added to the message or merge the fields in the
          recipient list, and the fields within the message can be distinguished in a
          distinctive color and other commands that will be listed, the first of the existing
          commands is the Merge Field Highlight Merge Fields command, which works
          to shade the fields that have been merged with the message for easy access
          within the message by clicking on it as shown in the following figure:

                             form 10 Demonstrates how to select the fields embedded within the message.

                The section also contains a tool used to determine the method of writing a
          title for the message called the address block (Address Block) by clicking on it,
          a window opens through which it can modify the details of the message title,
          and the section also includes a special command to add a welcome message
          placed in the message by the (Greeting Line) tool, as soon as you click on it,
          a window opens that clarifies the welcome message to be added to the message
          as follows:

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