Page 97 - NetWork-En-V3
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13.2.2Intrusion Prevention System
     An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) examines network traffic to block potential
     attacks. Secure IPS devices do this by comparing information about previous cyber
     attacks with real-time network traffic, not only to block malicious activities but also
     to track suspicious files and malware across the network to prevent the spread of

     13.2.3Network Access Control
     Users should not be granted access to the network without verifying their identity to
     prevent potential attackers from entering. Therefore, it is essential to recognize each
     user and device on the network. Afterward, security policies for the organization can
     be enforced. Some devices that do not comply with these policies can be blocked or
     given only limited access. This process is known as Network Access Control (NAC).

     13.2.4Web Behavioral Analysis Tools
     To detect unusual behavior on the network, it is essential to understand what normal
     behavior looks like. Behavioral analysis tools automatically differentiate activities that
     deviate from the usual. The network security team can then identify indicators that
     suggest a potential issue and respond quickly to threats.

     13.2.5Data Loss Prevention
     Organizations must ensure that their employees do not send important or
     confidential information outside the corporate framework. Data Loss Prevention
     (DLP) technologies can prevent individuals from uploading, forwarding, or even
     printing critical information in an insecure manner.

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