Page 88 - NetWork-En-V3
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12.1 Application Layer

     The applications in this layer generate user data to send to other applications over
     the network to another device. The Application layer contains several protocols, the
     most notable of which are:
      • HTTP protocol, which we use daily while browsing the Internet.
      • File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
      • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which manages the process of sending

          email over computer networks.

    12.2 Transport Layer

     The primary function of this layer is data transfer, along with optional functions such
     as ensuring error-free and orderly access to the other party. There are two protocols
     in this layer: TCP and UDP.
     The TCP protocol sends data and ensures its arrival by controlling the data flow and
     detecting errors. On the other hand, the UDP protocol sends data without ensuring
     its arrival. In reality, both protocols have their uses, as TCP is characterized by
     accuracy, while UDP is known for its speed .

    12.3 Internet Layer

     This layer is primarily concerned with transferring data packets between network
     devices. It includes definitions for device addresses, mechanisms for routing packets
     between devices, and the selection of the fastest routes for delivery. The Internet
     Protocol (IP) is the fundamental protocol operating in this layer, defining the IP
     addresses for each device on the network. Special devices, called routers, operate in
     this layer to route packets from one network to another.

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