Page 60 - IT-En-V3
P. 60

3- Programming language Types

        It is the way in which the programming language classifies values and expressions
        into different types and how to deal with these types and convert between them.

        4. Standard Libraries

        It is a set of ready-made instructions or operations that a programming language
        provides for its various parts to work together and to carry out the basic tasks
        assigned to that programming language, such as dealing with texts and numbers,
        communicating with the operating system, the file system, etc., and they are
        usually placed in separate files and added to the program that it executes.

      Classifications of programming languages

        Programming languages are classified into categories and groups according to
        their syntax, the way they process information, and the method of executing
        programming language instructions. They are classified into:

        Programming language and human languages

        Human languages are the natural way
        of communicating between humans.
        They consist of letters that form words
        and then form sentences according to a
        set of rules that we call “grammar” in
        Arabic. We then use these sentences
        carefully to convey the desired
        meaning. A person is supposed to be
        familiar with the basics of the language
        of the person he is interviewing so that
        there are no problems in
        communication. The matter is similar in programming languages, as they are a
        language of communication between humans and computers or machines that
        generally accept programming.

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