Page 63 - IT-En-V3
P. 63

Simulation Programs

        Simulation programs are an important tool in the educational process. It explains
        information that is difficult to imagine in an easy way, bypassing the elements of
        time, place, and elements of danger through powerful programs using the
        elements of sound, movement, image, text, and others.
        Simulation means: providing artificial situations using a computer that completely
        simulate real situations that occur in reality, which allows the student to
        experience these situations, which are usually difficult to find in natural life due to
        their scarcity or the high cost of representing them in reality, or their danger. In
        simulation software, the learner finds himself in a situation that is very similar to
        reality, and is faced with problems that require choosing paths or alternatives,
        making decisions, and then watching the results of the decisions he makes.
        For example, a simulation program may be designed to simulate the formation of
        an alloy for the manufacture of silicon chips
        that are used in the manufacture of
        computer processors. The computer
        presents the student with different
        elements to choose from in certain
        quantities, then mixes the elements and
        performs various chemical treatments on
        them until the alloy is formed, and then cuts it. into rings of a certain thickness
        and specific areas, all in representative situations where the options and
        operations are shown to him on the computer screen, and he deals with the
        program particles via the keyboard or mouse, and in the end he has to test the
        resulting chips, in terms of their properties related to semiconductors, to judge
        their reliability. The results of his decisions and their accuracy.

56 Training unit in the field of technological information - at the Supreme Council of Universities © Intellectual property rights 2024
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