Page 59 - IT-En-V3
P. 59

So, a programming language is a set of instructions and directives that are
           written, compiled, or installed within a specific context in order to be
           transferred after processing to the target device in order to implement them.

           What is meant by processing programming languages is to transform them
           from instructions that are read - in written programming languages - or visible
           to humans - in visual programming languages - into instructions that can be
           understood by the target machine, whether a computer or any other electronic
           system. What a computer understands is a program made up of 1s and 0s that
           tell it, according to their sequence, in a predetermined way what to do. The
           programming language that writes a program in this way is known as “machine
           language.” Due to the difficulty of understanding them for humans, the need
           arose for programming languages that are closer to humans, and this is where
           the story began.

        A programming language, like any language, generally consists of the following

        1- Formulating the Syntax programming language

           It is the way in which we formulate programming language instructions and link
           them together to produce correctly worded statements that can be used to
           implement the program. The wording may be:

        • Textual: It represents language instructions, keywords, phrases, and body.

        • Graphical or block: In which the instructions that perform a specific work are
           organized into a single block, and then this block is represented in a visual way
           as a square or circle that is given a color and a name that indicates the nature
           of the work that it performs. The program is then built by combining these
           blocks together to accomplish the function assigned to the program.

        2- Semantic programming language

        It is a set of rules that determine whether the method of wording instructions will
        give the desired result or not, and sets some restrictions on the correct wording
        that may not lead to a result.

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