Page 64 - IT-En-V3
P. 64

This type of software is useful as it leads to the student being immersed in work
        as if he were in a real factory or laboratory, as if his decisions would lead to his
        success in manufacturing the required chips or his failure, which reflects the
        waste of materials used and thus wasted financial expenditures without return.
        Simulation software is useful for practical training in operating various equipment
        and machines, as it is used to train pilots to control aircraft in the air, for example,
        which provides safety for trainees and easy and accurate means of monitoring.

      Introduction to operating systems

          - The importance of the operating system
          - Types (MAC OS, Linux, Android)
          - Stages of development of the Windows operating system and its classifications

           according to the size and capabilities of the device used
        The importance of the operating system
        The operating system is the link between the user and
        the computer, as the operating system contains all the
        commands that enable the user to work on the
        computer without the need to know all the details of
        the device’s operation.
        Types of operating systems
        The operating systems used have evolved along with
        the development of hardware. The most important
        computer operating system programs are:

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