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What are Microsoft office programs?

        Office programs: It is a package of a group of programs issued by Microsoft, and
        each program has its own service that it provides to its users. These programs
        provide text editing services, database services, creating presentations, creating
        mathematical tables, data, and indicators. The Microsoft package consists of 12
        programs depending on the type of package that you will download. As for the
        names of the Office programs, they are summarized in the following list:

        • Word for text editing (Microsoft Word)

        • Excel for calculations and creating tables.

        • PowerPoint to create presentations
          (animated and static).

        • Microsoft Teams Create rooms and direct communications between a group of

        • Outlook for email management.

        • OneDrive for cloud services and online file storage.

        • Access to manage and create databases.

        • Skype chat and direct video and audio calls.

        There are some other programs that the majority of Microsoft Office users rarely
        use, such as SharePoint, Skype for Business, Physio...etc.
        Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications has become one of the most
        important conditions for applying for office jobs, because it helps in completing
        work in an organized and professional manner. Below are the most important
        Microsoft office applications:

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