Page 65 - IT-En-V3
P. 65

Disk Operating System (DOS)
        Operating System produced by IBM relies on writing commands to the computer
        through the keyboard, which
        required the user to be
        experienced in the computer
        field to know how to use its
        commands and instructions.
        This system was not easy to
        use, due to the lack of a mouse.
        At that time, this caused
        difficulty in using the computer.
        Windows operating system
        Windows Operating System was developed by Microsoft, and has become the
        most common operating system
        due to the ease of dealing with
        its graphical interface, by using
        the mouse as a tool to enter
        commands, and controlling the
        computer has become easier,
        because the Windows interface
        contains drop-down menus,
        windows, and graphics, and this
        is what is called the term
        interface. GUI – Graphical User Interface.
        Several versions of Windows have appeared: Windows 95, 98, NT, (2K) 2000, XP,
        Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, all of which contain the GUI feature.

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