Page 134 - IT-En-V3
P. 134

Cloud Computing

     Cloud computing is a term that refers to computer resources and systems
     available on demand over the network and which can provide a number of
     integrated computer services without being limited to local resources, with the
     aim of facilitating the user.

     Cloud computing resources
     include space for data storage,
     backup, and self-synchronization.
     They also include software
     processing and task scheduling
     capabilities. When connected to
     the network, the user can control
     these resources through an easy
     programming interface that
     facilitates and ignores many
     details and internal operations.

     The term cloud computing first came into use in the late 1960s. The term cloud
     computing was inspired by the cloud symbol that was often used to represent the
     Internet in maps and graphs. As with many other new technologies, it meant
     different things to different people. The motivation was Many suppliers are
     behind to step up their product range.

     Cloud Computing is also defined as: “transferring the processing process from the
     user’s device to server devices over the Internet and saving the user’s files there
     so that he can access them from anywhere and any device, so that programs
     become merely services and the user’s computer is merely an interface or digital
     window, and Servers often use virtualization technologies to allow multiple users
     to use the same service.

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