Page 137 - IT-En-V3
P. 137

Distance working and learning

     Remote work (telework - Telecommuting - remote work - e-commuting- distance
     working): It is a means of working using information and communications
     technology, so that the work is performed far from the main headquarters, such
     as working from home, the work office, or even on trips.

     The most important tasks that can be done remotely:
           • Linguistic and spelling review of publications
           • Translation
           • Design and prepare software
           • Design and development of websites
           • Accounting and financial work
           • Preparing architectural engineering drawings
           • Legal and consulting work
           • Writing in newspapers and magazines
           • Advertising and publicity work
           • entering info

     Benefits of remote work for society
           • Reducing unemployment rates.
           • Reducing traffic congestion in cities.
           • Economic and social development of rural and remote areas.
           • Opening job opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
           • Providing the opportunity to employ women without mixing.

     Benefits of remote work for organizations:
           • Saving the costs of building and equipping offices.
           • Increase productivity by using modern technology.
           • Reducing absenteeism rates and vacation requests.

     Benefits of remote work for individuals:
           • Saving time, effort and transportation costs.
           • Stay away from work pressures and achieve flexibility in carrying out
               tasks according to appropriate working hours.
           • Providing more time for family care and the requirements of family ties.

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