Page 132 - IT-En-V3
P. 132

Internet Community

     The Internet community consists of a group of common groups: individuals,
     organizations, computer companies, institutions, governments, and everyone
     related to the Internet in one way or another.

     Below is a simplified description of each of these categories:

        • Users
        • Internet Service Providers - ISP
        • Internet Content Providers
        • Application Service Providers
        • Hardware and Software Companies
        • Governments

     Artificial Intelligence

     Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that studies how computers

     simulate human motor and visual abilities and
     exchange knowledge between them. Artificial
     intelligence can also be defined as designing
     machines capable of performing tasks that

     require a degree of human intelligence.

     Artificial Intelligence Applications

     The science of artificial intelligence aims to make the computer more intelligent,
     and researchers in this field are developing
     computer programs that attempt to do the
     work of an ordinary human, and there are
     many applications in the field of artificial
     intelligence, including:

     1. Expert Systems

     2. Natural Languages Processing

     3. Robots

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