Page 135 - IT-En-V3
P. 135

Internet of Things - IOT

     It is a network of things connected to the Internet that
     are able to collect and exchange data using built-in
     sensors. “Things” can be connected to the Internet by
     using one of the modern networking technologies such
     as Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wifi, 4G, or others.

     Things can interact with each other on the one hand and
     with humans on the other hand, thus allowing many new applications in the fields
     of medicine, industry, economics, education, sports...etc.

     Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

     Virtual, imagined, latent, or apparent reality is a term
     applied to computer simulation of environments that
     can be physically simulated in some places in the real
     world, in imaginary worlds.

     Virtual Reality (VR)                      Augmented Reality (AR)

     The user is cut off from the real world   The user is not cut off from real reality
     and completely immersed                   wherever possible The user at the same
     In the artificial world it controls the   time see the real world of Around it and you
     user, So that he cannot see the real      complete the virtual items.
     world around him.
     Virtual reality is immersed in the        Augmented reality is closer to the real
     virtual environment.                      world.
     Virtual reality replaces the real world   The system enhances the real world with
     with the real world                       graphics and sounds
     industrial production in ways that        Industrial images also ensure digital
     mimic its real-world counterpart          information in The real world .
     It can be built around places that don't  He cannot deal with non-existent worlds
     exist Basis
     The user interacts with virtual objects   The user interacts with the real world and
                                               plugins Fantasy

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