Page 18 - Distance-education-En-V3
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There were some universities and other institutes that sent their study materials to
              all students via email. Students study these books according to what suits them and
              answer exams according to the standards, but in the modern era, the process of
              transferring education in the distance education mode has witnessed a major
              qualitative shift. Video lectures that can be accessed online have made the lives of
              distance learners much better than before with online exams at a fixed time. The
              curriculum has become a bit strict, but it is the norm now.

              First, synchronous distance learning is where you participate in learning
              activities such as webinars and virtual classes simultaneously with teachers and
              fellow students. What's great about synchronous distance learning is that you can
              interact with your teacher and fellow students in real time via synchronous learning.
              You can also get instant feedback from teachers. You may be more motivated to
              ask questions or participate in discussions in synchronous learning. While the
              disadvantage of synchronous distance learning is that you will have less flexibility
              compared to asynchronous learning. You will have to be available to attend the
              sessions at the specified times. You'll also need access to the relevant technology
              (which can be expensive). You will also need to be comfortable using relevant

              Secondly, asynchronous learning: Asynchronous learning does not require you
              to participate in learning activities at the same time as your fellow students. Instead,
              you are given the opportunity to work through the course material at your own
              pace and on your own schedule. Textbooks, e-mail, postal correspondence, virtual
              libraries, online databases, and message boards can all come into play. CDs and
              DVDs play an important role in delivering course materials for asynchronous
              distance learning courses. Asynchronous learning also has the advantage that you
              are free to set your own study schedule, which means you will have more flexibility.
              You can also work through the course materials at your own pace, meaning you
              can spend more time on the sections you struggle with. You can work more quickly
              through the sections you feel comfortable with.

              - Third Distance learning with blended learning or so-called hybrid learning:
              Hybrid distance learning is a combination of asynchronous and synchronous
              education where students are subject to following a set deadline to complete their
              work. Students are allowed to complete assignments on their own time and submit
              these assignments via the online forum.

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