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Learning Styles

              Learning styles are the different methods of learning and include individual
              teaching methods that are supposed to help a person learn better. It is believed that
              most people prefer a specific style with which they interact to deal with
              information. These styles are divided into the following elements:

              1-Auditory style: The learner in the auditory learning style tends to learn better
              when sound is introduced into the subject. Students prefer to listen to a lecture or
              explanation from the teacher, rather than read, and audio is often used to reinforce
              new concepts and ideas. Since students generally find it difficult to remain silent
              for long periods of time, get auditory learners involved in the lecture by asking
              them to repeat new concepts back to you. Ask questions and let them answer.
              Watching videos and using music or audiotapes are useful ways of learning for this

              2-Kinesthetic style: In this style, the learner adopts tactile teaching. They learn
              through experience or doing things. They like to participate by acting out events
              or using their hands to touch and handle things in order to understand topics,

              The best way a teacher can help these students learn is to move them. Practical
              activities and experiences are great for this type of learner. Where students are
              directed to act out a specific scene from a book or lesson you are teaching.
              Encourage these students by incorporating movement into lessons. Once a learner
              can move and physically feel what they are studying, it becomes easier to
              understand difficult ideas.

              3- Visual (spatial) style: In this style, the learner is the person who prefers visual
              learning, who prefers to see and observe things, including pictures, diagrams,
              written directions, and others. Students who learn through sight understand
              information better when it is presented in a visual way.

              A smart board is your best tool when teaching these types of learners. Give
              students opportunities to draw pictures and diagrams on the board, or have students
              draw examples and models based on the topic they are learning. Teachers who deal
              with this style should use presentations. Visual learners may also need more time
              to process material, as they notice the visual cues in front of them.

              4- Verbal learning or reading and writing: Among the different learning styles,
              this is perhaps the easiest to meet learners' needs, because much of the traditional
              educational system tends to focus on writing articles, doing research, and reading
              books. Consider allowing these students plenty of time to absorb information
              through the written word and give them opportunities to get their thoughts out on
              paper as well.

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