Page 13 - Distance-education-En-V3
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2. The importance of distance education

                   During the last third of the previous decade and the beginning of
            modernization current decades; There have been many criticisms directed at the
            traditional educational system due to the lack of any development, modernization or
            improvement in it over these many years, especially since the requirements of the
            times have become incompatible with the traditional system of education because it
            lacks flexibility and diversity of means of explanation and clarification. Therefore,
            since the emergence of the e-learning and distance education system, it has found a
            wide resonance of interest and approval in all educational media. Among its
            importance is that it helps to:

              • Self-discipline: The distance education system helps enhance and support self-
                     discipline among students, as each student depends on directing himself to
                     the correct path to complete the learning process successfully.

              • Sense of responsibility: In the distance education process, the student relies
                     completely on himself, unlike traditional systems that require attendance
                     with the teacher. Therefore, distance education students have a high sense
                     of responsibility.

              • Developing students’ intellectual skills: Studies have shown that distance
                     education students have a higher ability to communicate and solve problems
                     better and faster and provide solutions in creative ways.

              • Time management: Distance education students have a high ability, experience,
                     and efficiency to manage time, divide tasks, and set a time for each task.

    3. Objectives of distance education

                   The objectives of distance education can be determined based on the
                objectives of learning in general and the nature of distance learning in particular.
                All education systems, whether traditional or distant, aim to advance the
                educational process and improve education through the permanent development
                of educational methods.

                   Optimal use of technology in a way that improves access to information and
                learning resources and provides an appropriate interactive environment between
                teachers and learners.

                   It is developing and improving the skills of using technology, whether for the
                teacher or the learner, in a way that is in the interest of the educational process.

                   Developing students’ research and self-learning skills and keeping them away
                from traditional teaching methods that depend on the presence of a mentor for
                teaching, and on the desire to learn as it comes from the person himself, as the
                teacher is not the only source of information.

                   Considering individual differences and providing the opportunity for all
                students, regardless of their circumstances and situations, to continue their
                studies and giving a new opportunity to every student who was unable to enroll
                in traditional education systems.

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