Page 12 - Distance-education-En-V3
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        Distance Learning is a term that includes all types of education via the Internet
    without being subject to the conditions and rules of formal education, which requires
    face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the learner and requires attendance at the
    place of study and full-time.
    Distance learning compensates for this by relying on modern and advanced technologies
    and harnessing them to serve students, teachers (or trainers), and the educational process.
    From a historical perspective, the beginning of distance learning dates to the year 1840,
    when there was what was called correspondence learning. Then the idea of open
    education appeared when the Open University was established in the United Kingdom in
    1963 AD. Therefore, distance learning is an extension of learning. Correspondence and
    open education.

    1. The concept of distance learning

                   The concept of distance learning refers to an educational process in which
            there is no direct contact between the teacher and the learner, as each of them is
            separated in space or time, or both, provided that communication between them
            takes place via printed or electronic educational media, which enhances both the
            principle of continuous learning ( continuous learning), the principle of
            individualizing education, the principle of self-learning, and the principle of
            freedom of education. In the current era, distance learning has come to keep pace
            with technological and cognitive development.

    Distance learning has gone through four generations:
         • Messaging system, printed materials, and audio-visual media.
         • Educational television and radio system recorded and live lectures on satellite and
            radio stations.
         • Multimedia system, audio, image, video, text, and computerized materials.
         • Internet-based systems with electronically prepared and multimedia educational
            materials with the possibility of interaction between the teacher and the learner, such
            as interactive platforms Learning management systems (LMS, And audio and video
            communication applications such as Microsoft Teams.

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