Page 41 - Word-En-V3
P. 41

2.2.7-Clear Formatting:

You can easily erase all the formats that you have made on the text and return it to the
default formatting styles just select the text to be returned to the default format and through
the font group inside the Home Page tab click on the mark erase the entire format.

After learning about the types of fonts and how to deal with the text and its formatting, it is
necessary to learn how to deal with a whole paragraph, any group of texts together.

                 Figure 10(Clear Formatting tool)


                                               Figure 11(Pharagraph group)

Paragraphs are an essential part of all Word documents, and it is necessary for every user to
know how to format and align these paragraphs to get formatted and tidy-looking
documents. In this part, and the upcoming ones, we will learn how to format paragraphs
using many properties such as alignment, indents, spacing, so this set contains tools for
paragraph formatting.

2.3.1-Bullets &Numbering:

                                                                 Figure 12(Numbering)
            We use bullets or numbering to create a list with the aim of formatting the text, which is
            done starting from the first letter in the paragraph with which the paragraph will begin. The
            use of this property has several benefits, including:

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