Page 21 - Web Search-En-V3
P. 21

Search Engine Components

        Generally, there are three basic components of a search engine as listed below:
                    • Crawling.
                    • Data Storage.
                    • Online search engine and ranking.


        The Web's content is found by a crawler, which then adds it to the search engine's
database. Text pages, photos, videos, and other sorts of content are among the content types
collected. Most crawlers start at one page and then navigate across the outgoing URL links on
that page to discover information. As a result, a search engine may never find a page if it is
not connected to another page. The entirety of the data that a web crawler collects is kept in a
data repository, which serves as the basis for creating a user-searchable online index.

Data Storage

        Some search engines have databases that contain billions of pages, but others have much
smaller ones. To increase the database coverage, a search engine may combine results from
both its own database and databases hosted by other search engines.

Online search engine and ranking

        To respond to user inquiries, a search engine operates as a web service. The index is
used by the query processing system to locate and rank pertinent documents. It creates a result
page with the highest-ranking documents and provides the user with this page. A search engine
records users' browsing habits as they engage with the search results and uses this information
to enhance search quality.

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