Page 16 - Web Search-En-V3
P. 16

Course Main Objective:

This course aims to provide the trainees with the essential skills to become better searchers.

They will learn how to search the internet and create effective queries to find the right

information. In addition, they will learn how to improve the search results using the available

advanced search techniques. Further, how to deal with the international research databases like

Google Scholar, Research gate, SCIMAGO, EKB including Web of Science, SCOPUS and

Atomic Training facility, moreover, they will learn optionally how to use the Egyptian scholar

portfolio web site.

Course objectives:

By the end of this course the attendant will be able to:
• Learn about the Internet.
• Identify web search tools.
• Identify the components of a search engine.
• Learn how the search engine works.
• Lists examples of available search engines.
• Differentiate between a web server and the web
• Defines the types of web protocols.
• Defines the URL is known as the Uniform Resource Locator
• Distinguish between the components of a URL
• Divide Internet applications and services.
• Uses methods for successful research.
• Uses search (single-word/multi-word).
• Create effective question sentences for research.
• Perform an advanced search on Google.
• Evaluate the credibility of web sources
• Add extensions to the web browser (Chrome, Firefox).
• Use international research databases
• know Google Scholar
• Lists the characteristics of Google Scholar
• Use the scientific researcher effectively.
• Activate academic mail.
• Know about the Research Gate
• Create an account on RG
• Use RG effectively and efficiently.
• Improves RG score.
• Search scientific theses on the Egyptian University Libraries Union website
• Learn about the academic search engine EKB, the Egyptian Knowledge Bank
• Log in to the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
• Distinguish between the services of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
• Use search engine in EKB.
• Search journals form Egyptian journals database.
• Use Egyptian conferences in EKB.
• Manage your own Scopus user account.
• Merge more than one account for the same researcher in Scopus.

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